Beatriz Dorado
Kinderpsychologin & Spieltherapeutin
Dear Maggie,
Thank you very much for the sessions you gave my baby and me together. Having a child who's born with a rare genetic syndrome is tough work at the beginning. You have to find out what is the reason under all her difficulties and peculiarities and then as a mother learn to accept it and enjoy the day by day. Also you have to arrange all the care construction around your baby, be a good mom for your other kids, a woman, a partner and a professional.
I was emotionally exhausted when we had the sessions. My little one had had not one proper night of sleep in months and I had been sleep deprived since. The evening after the second session, my baby fell asleep faster and slept four hours in a row. After the third one, she slept 7 hours in a row! That was incredible for us. Besides that, in the weeks after the sessions we have noticed that she has got over a bump in her development. She is more active and open and surprises us every week with new behaviours. I myself have been able to deepen one layer in my own process of acceptance and feel a lightness about my child that I didn't feel before.
Really Mags, thank you so much. You have a lightness, a healing energy that has an impact in a subtle way and really can improve people's lives.
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